Why Diametric Opposition?

We need to ask why diametric opposition exists everywhere we look in culture, politics and religion. If that question is never asked and answered we may never identify the root cause of the diametric opposition. That question and its answer has been the main theme and focus of my books, articles and letters to the editor over the last decade. We can look back to Alice Bailey, Friedrich Nietzsche, John Dewey, Betty Friedan, Alfred Kinsey, B.F. Skinner, Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, John Maynard Keynes, Saul Alinsky, Sigmund Freud, Margret Sanger or Alex Baldwin they were all in diametric opposition to the default ideology prevalent during their life. You can study them and more in Brannon Howse’s book “Grave Influence.”

Perhaps one example could expose the reason for the diametric opposition. That example is Karl Marx. The quote below from Brannon’s book gives some insight into why he was in diametric opposition to Capitalism and the Judeo-Christian world he lived with.

As a young man, Marx was dismissed from several universities for his radical, revolutionary views. As an atheist and a Secular Humanist, he wrote the Communist Manifesto with his friend Friedrich Engels. Marx did not believe in the spiritual world or life after death, only in the natural material world. He valued people only for what they could do for the state. Is it any wonder then, that the worldview of Marx—Communism—has been responsible for the murder of more than 100 million people?

Whether we look at the Communist Manifesto summarized by its 10 Planks or the 45 goals of the Communist Party it is obvious that they are in diametric opposition to contemporary thought and a biblical worldview. We only need to look at Marx’s overall goals. They are to dethrone God and destroy capitalism. Those two goals are the same as those of the globalists today. There are many organizations committed to those same objectives today. The two most prominent now include Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA. Someone said the “The issue is never the Issue. It is the revolution.” The bottom line goal is to deconstruct America’s biblical foundation, Judeo-Christian values, freedoms and our success and wealth and replace it with a godless totalitarian tyrannical global government. Consequently, to completely understand the answer to the question why, it has to be viewed as a spiritual issue of good against evil!

Another vivid example that demonstrates the spiritual aspect of diametric opposition was Saul Alinsky’s book “Rules for Radicals.” The following quote comes from my “Understanding the Anatomy of Evil book.”

Saul Alinsky, through his book, “Rules for Radicals,” through his philosophy, and with his life, set the stage perfectly to support the thrust of this book. Saul Alinsky believed that Lucifer’s rebellion against God was a good thing. He stated the following in the introduction to his book, “Rules for Radicals”:

Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins—or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom—Lucifer.[1]

Surprisingly, the bible agrees with Alinsky except for a few caveats. The main caveat being that Lucifer’s rebellion was not a good thing for Lucifer, Alinsky or the rest of us in the world even though Alinsky sees it that way! Also, the bible clarifies that it is history, not legend. However, the bible does agree that Lucifer’s actions as a result of his rebellion did win him his own kingdom at least for a period of time. The fact that Alinsky is aligned with the satanic rebellion is also verified by a 1972 interview with “Playboy.” In it he said, “If there is an afterlife, and I have anything to say about it, I will unreservedly choose to go to hell.” When the interviewer asked why, Alinsky said, “Hell would be heaven for me. Once I get into hell, I’ll start organizing the have-nots over there. They’re my kind of people.”[2] . . .

The word rebellion and the concept of a rebel is both interesting and revealing. Rebellion means to resist and disobey authority whether against God, parents or government. It usually has the connotation of rebelling against a legitimate authority. Certainly, Lucifer rebelled against a legitimate authority. God being the creator of all things including Lucifer, principalities and powers, certainly was a legitimate authority. That makes rebellion unjust since it is against a legitimate authority. Consequently, rebellion against an illegitimate authority is not rebellion but a just cause. Police action against a crime syndicate is an example of a just cause, not rebellion. When Alinsky sees what Lucifer did as a good thing, he admits that he is a fellow rebel and a partner in crime. This can be shown not only from this biblical analogy, but from showing that his cause is illegitimate, based upon both biblical principles and real-world evidence. When others accept Alinsky’s rebellion, philosophy and beliefs they are just continuing the chain of rebellion and false beliefs that started with Lucifer and are supporting the evil in our world today.

By definition, those rebelling against an authority, adopt exactly the diametrically opposite worldview beliefs that the legitimate authority holds up as truth. If they agreed with the authority on important worldview beliefs, they would not be resisting and rebelling against the authority. Consequently, Alinsky and all of us that are in rebellion against authority have diametrically opposite worldview beliefs than the authority, which, being legitimate, is the true belief that has desirable long-term effects. Consequently, Alinsky and all of us agree that important diametrically opposite worldview beliefs have a profound significance. When we see them, we can be assured that if one side is right, true and just the other side is wrong, false and unjust. It is just that Alinsky believes that rebellion against the legitimate authority is just.

Hopefully, that should be sufficient explanation to understand that the battle is between good and evil. It is a spiritual battle between believing in God’s legitimate truth documented in the bible or rebelling against God’s legitimate truth and siding with evil. There is no neutral ground! When we are rebelling against the truth we must suppress the truth or have a huge mental conflict of interest! Romans 1:18 states:

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who a]”>[a]suppress the truth in unrighteousness,