Progressive Evangelical Deception

Evangelical religious organizations have been infiltrated with Marxists that are promoting political parties and candidates that are diametrically opposed to the 10 Commandments and other critical biblical principles. True conservatives believe in Judeo / Christian values (political positions) that are completely in sync with biblical principles.

Alternatively, progressive evangelical leaders are promoting a social gospel that supports violating most if not all of the 10 Commandments and other biblical principles. For them, the gospel is not primarily an internal and external spiritual battle, but an unbiblical Social Justice battle that requires that everyone should be equal financially.

Rather than promoting biblical equal opportunity, they promote unbiblical equal outcome. Rather than promoting capitalism where people have freedom to make choices and are responsible for themselves, they promote socialism / Communism where everyone depends on the government as their source and as their god. For them the Great Commission is not to make spiritual disciples of all nations and peoples but to promote covetousness (violation of the Tenth Commandment) and coerce taxpayers (violation of the Eighth Commandment) to accomplish some kind an unjust equal physical outcome.

The bible definitely does not teach equal outcome nor does it emphasize physical needs as equal or above spiritual needs. The following examples support this assertion:

  • In Luke 13:1-5 Jesus explains that physically unjust things will happen to people. However, He clarified that the important thing is that we need to repent or we will parish both physically and spiritually. He stated it twice.
  • In Matthew 25: 14-30 Jesus tells the Parable of the Talents. It tells us that depending upon our choices and diligence the one with the most could be given what the man with the least had. This is definitely not equal outcome.
  • In Matthew 25: 31-34 Jesus states that when He returns he will separate the sheep from the goats. Only the sheep will inherit eternal life with God. That is definitely not equal outcome.
  • In Matthew 7:13-14 Jesus states that “Because narrow isthe gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” That is certainly not equal outcome.
  • In John 6:1-13 the story is told of Jesus ministering to and feeding the 5000 men. Later in verses 25-26 it tells how they followed Jesus across the Sea of Galilee believing that Jesus would feed them again. Since they were not interested in spiritual food, Jesus did not feed them again. Consequently, even on a private charitable basis, Jesus is not recommending serving people again and again until everyone has the same amount of food. The progressive evangelicals are saying that we should go way beyond that and feed them on a coerced government mandated basis. The bible does not teach equal physical outcome equality!
  • In Mark 14:7 Jesus stated “For you have the poor with you always, and whenever you wish you may do them good; but Me you do not have always.” Here Jesus is pleased when we give charitably to the poor, but our relationship with Him is more important. Our goal shouldn’t be to eliminate the poor, but to help them when we can. The progressive evangelicals are going way beyond that by saying that is so important to make things more equal that we should break the Commandments, the family structure and sexual guidelines created by God and be ok with murdering innocent unborn babies by the tens of millions. That is what I call schizophrenic Christianity.

These progressive evangelicals do not ever challenge any political positions that are diametrically opposed to biblical principles. In addition, they completely promote unconstitutional government powers when they promote the government getting involved with all kinds of positive rights issues when our Constitution only guarantees us negative rights.

What the progressive evangelicals are promoting is what the English military states when they retreat: “advancing to the rear.” A vote for progressives is a vote against God!