
There are many evidences that support the fact that the Covid-19 pandemic is truly a plandemic!  Some of these are listed below:

  • It came from China
  • It is happening in a presidential election year
  • It happened immediately after all other attempts to remove President Trump from office failed 
  • Dr. Fauci and President Obama  supported China with over 300 million dollars to research the virus
  • An Event 201 meeting was held October 2019 in New York planning a dress rehearsal for a possible virus pandemic
  • China and the WHO both were complicit in holding information regarding how great the threat was
  • Projections  of case numbers and deaths were way overblown
  • Doctors that presented data that refuted the official dogma were ridiculed and censored
  • Hydroxychloroquine was denigrated and censored as a cure for Covid-19 after many successful treatments around the world
  • Bogus articles were published in the Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine that denigrated HCQ that had to be retracted within two weeks. The data was all made up! By that time the damage was done. The retractions were not communicated 
  • The number of cases and deaths were intentionally greatly exaggerated. Death by many other causes have been classified as Covid-19. For example, if a person was in contact with a patient that had Covid-19, they were counted as a Covid-19 case
  • At the same time that Covid-19 cases were exploding, flu cases dropped dramatically. Instead, they were being classified as Covid-19.
  • Hospitals are paid more if a patient has Covid-19. They get paid much more if the patient is put on a ventilator. About 90% of those put on ventilators do not survive.
  • Going forward, while inexpensive treatments are discouraged, expensive treatments and vaccines are being promoted where Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates will profit handsomely.
  • Vaccines have been promoted in Africa and India that sterilize women without their knowledge
  • In addition, mandatory vaccines give those in power the opportunity to fulfill the goals of ID 2020 which include a vaccine tattoo that can be used to completely control society.
  • In addition to people control, the other goal is population control. Bill Gates has articulated these goals in many different venues
  • The Georgia Guidestones (America’s Stonehenge)  documents the New World Order’s First Commandment as keeping the population below 500 million. That is a 93% reduction in our current population!

So you can see where this is going. That is why we are calling this a PLANdemic!

Below are two recently posted articles posted on Facebook.

Criminalization of the Medical Profession

The obvious criminalization of our medical profession can be validated by my own personal experience and seeing what has been done corporately and publicly. The most shocking and revealing evidence is the censorship of a very effective drug for treating Covid-19; hydroxychloroquine. Although doctors have no problem prescribing it for Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis, it has been censored on several levels for use against Covid-19. i.e. it is ok for non-life-threatening diseases, but not for a fatal disease.

I called my doctor’s office, which is part of United Health Care, where both myself and my wife are patients, to see if they would prescribe HCQ for my wife with typical Covid-19 symptoms as a curative and for myself as a prophylactic. They stated that under no circumstances would they prescribe HCQ and that the side effects far out weighted the benefits. I don’t know if they are doing this wittingly or unwittingly, but I believe the justification was two bogus studies on HCQ that were published in the “New England Medical Journal” and the Lancet. Both were forced to retract those articles on HCQ within two weeks because they were exposed as bogus!

The first type of censorship was to only allowed it for patients after being hospitalized. However, now I don’t even believe they are treating hospitalized patients with HCQ. My son tested positive for Covid-19, was later admitted to the ER, but was not give hydroxychloroquine. It also has been censored by State Governors for use in their state.

The same censorship prevented the other magic bullet cure, Ivermectin, from being implemented.

My wife and I were ultimately able to get HCQ through Frontline Doctors and a pharmacy in Tampa. In addition to doctors refusing to use this very effective drug, pharmacies have been given marching orders not to fill doctor’s prescriptions when for Covid-19! That is unpresented! Pharmacies will not fill doctor’s prescriptions. Pharmacies around The Villages will not fill them. Pharmacies in Lubbock Texas also will not fill them.

When the Frontline doctors held a public press conference in Washington DC that disputed the official medical position on HCQ, their YouTube video was pulled from YouTube and the lead doctor, Simone Gold, was fired. Earlier when two doctors from Bakersfield California including Dr. Dan Erickson did a video showing their data on Covid-19 and HCQ, their video was also censured!

The data has shown that the HCQ is very effective when given early and is 100% effective when given as a prophylactic to those exposed daily to Covid-19 patients. It is also inexpensive. It is obvious that powerful people do not want an effective and inexpensive cure. They have no trouble prescribing less effective, less save and much more expensive drugs like Remdesivir.

As a minimum they want to use the pandemic (plandemic) to make billions on expensive drugs and vaccines. However, I believe the wealth benefit for people like Gates and Fauci and others is not the main benefit. If you listen to what those globalist elites are saying and preaching you will hear that our world is too populated to be sustainable and we need a major population reduction. Just google “Georgia Guidestones” and you will find that the elites want to reduce the population to under 500 million. That is a 93% population reduction. That is what the vaccines and ID 2020 and tracking are all about!

Rejecting the pandemic cure

Based upon bogus studies to discredit Hydroxychloroquine, censorship of evidence showing it to be effective as a cure and preventing it from being used as a cure, it is obvious that the plandemic is being used as a diabolical pretext for profit and totalitarian control.

The use of HCQ in many countries has shown that it is very effective against the Covid-19 virus. In addition, if becomes more effective the earlier it is used. Beyond that, when it is used as a prophylactic, as a preventative against getting the disease, it has been shown to be 100% effective. That data is based upon giving it to health care workers who are exposed to Covid-19 patients 24/7. In addition, HCQ has been shown to be very safe. In France it has been an over-the-counter drug until just recently. Now the powers that be changed that. It is also very inexpensive!

How much better cure could we get? Certainly not with vaccines. Flu vaccines have been very ineffective. In recent years there is much evidence that vaccines have done much harm. Recently, reports by Robert Kennedy on Bill Gates sponsored vaccines given in India and north Africa have caused polio, sterilized women, damaged immune systems, made many people sick and killed many people.

Rather that mandating vaccines being given to everybody, why not mandate that everyone go on a HCQ prophylactic regiment for a month. If anyone would get Covid-19 symptoms during the month they would go on a five-day treatment plan before a maintenance program of around a 200 mg pill per week. The cost of the whole thing would a very small fraction of what is being spent today with hospitalizations, ventilators, testing, masks etc. In addition, the much larger financial and mental cost of shutting everything down can be completely avoided immediately! The cure is available; we must demand it be implemented ASAP!

Video of Doctors explaining why the the extreme fear of Covid-19 is completely unjustified and that hundreds of doctors are being silenced to keep the lock down in place for political reasons.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told a gathering of students and experts at Georgetown University Medical Center in January 2017 that the incoming Trump administration would face a “surprise outbreak” of a new disease and the United States needed to prepare for it.

“If there’s one message that I want to leave with you today based on my experience, is that there is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases,” Fauci said.

Remember Fauci spent over $300,000,000 to have the Chinese work on the virus.