Perpetual Biblical Concepts

By perpetual biblical concepts, I mean biblical concepts that are enduring concepts of principles that aren’t specifically historical. They are listed below:

Biblical Perpetual Principles and Concepts

                God’s wonderful attributes including:


                                Demands Rightness / Holiness

                                Legitimate authority

                                God’s Justice is satisfied based upon Jesus taking the punishment for us




                                Justice resulting in death for unrepentant rebels

                God is the legitimate authority based upon His being the creator

                Satan is the illegitimate authority

                We are all sinners that deserve death

                We all have the following innate characteristics:

      Propensity for evil

      Rebellion against God

      Worship Idols

      Taking God’s name in vain

      Neglecting honoring God by not giving God a day of rest

      Not honoring our parents

       Committing murder in our hearts if not physically

       Committing adultery in our hearts if not actually

       Stealing what belongs to others

       Lying and bearing false witness

       Coveting things that belong to others

                             Lusting and rejecting sexuality purity

                             Being partial

                             Censoring others

                             Coercing others

                             Demonizing others

                             Loving darkness

                             Loving death

                             Making money and power our god

                            Pride and arrogance