
An overview of religions indicate that there are about 4300 religions in the world. Bodie Hodge & Roger Patterson cover about 38 of them in their two volume “World Religions and Cults”

Showing book cover on World Religions and Cults Volume 1
Showing book cover on World Religions and Cults Volume 2

They Categorize them in several different ways. One way is:

  1. Polytheistic, monotheistic, pantheistic, and atheistic
  2. Personal god(s), impersonal god(s), or no god(s)
  3. Based upon various alleged holy books
  4. Spiritual, dualistic, or materialistic
  5. Counterfeits of Christianity, mystical religions and moralistic
  6. Objective religion and subjective religion
  7. Etc.

We are only going to consider the most common religions and post media that gives us a proper perspective of those religions. They include Apostolic Christianity, Catholic Christianity, Protestant Christianity, Secular Humanism, New Age and Islam. You may disagree that Secular humanism is a religion. However, multiple sources including the dictionary, a US Supreme Court ruling and what the humanists claimed for more than 100 years testify to the fact that they are a religion.

The other five are based upon a belief in some type of god or deity. The three non-Christian religions are all in diametric opposition to Biblical Christianity in some fashion. Secular Humanism denies the existence of God. New Age looks to the earth as a god rather than a personal God. The Islamic god will be shown to have diametrically opposite characteristics to the biblical God. Protestant and Catholic Christianity will be contrasted against Apostolic (biblical) Christianity