One Minute Spots

These one minute spots were written to be read on the radio in about one minute.

The source and story of good and evil

The bible lays out a historical time line explaining how the battle between good and evil started, how it has continued throughout history, how and when the battle comes to a climax and how ultimately evil is eradicated and God’s original created utopia is recreated on earth.

The original source of evil in the angelic realm occurred when Lucifer, the anointed Cherub, that was beautifully created and was in perfect unison with God, allowed his beauty to made him proud and jealous of God.

He said in his heart several “I will’s” ending with “I will be like the most-high.” He wanted to be God.

That angelic source of evil then spread to God’s human creation when Lucifer indwelt a serpent and tempted Eve to also want to be like God rather than obeying God. That rebellion against God resulted in God cursing the serpent, woman, man and the entire creation.

Whether cultural, political or religious, the battle represents itself as diametrically opposite positions or worldviews. That is exactly what would be expected from a rebellion against a legitimate authority.

God is letting this battle play out and documenting the results of evil to ensure it will never infect His creation again.

Although, this raging battle between good and evil is between humans, we are informed that it is foundationally fought against demonic principalities and spiritual powers.

How can we recognize evil?

Evil virtually never presents itself as something evil. It typically presents itself as something good. Certainly, the first example of this is when Lucifer tempted Eve, through the serpent, to eat the forbidden fruit; claiming that she would have her eyes opened and would be like a god, knowing good and evil.

Her eating the forbidden fruit was presented as a good thing: never mind that in the name of doing good, the greatest of evil entered the world. The tragic result of her acceptance of evil as something good would infect the entire human race with a sin nature and the perfect creation would be drastically altered.

Today we have a plethora of godless, evil ideologies or philosophies masquerading as something good. Some of these include the basic goodness and perfectibility of man, absence of absolute truth, humanism, hedonism, socialism, Marxism, Freudianism, biological evolution, societal evolution, man caused global warming, political correctness, social justice, Critical Race Theory, Identity Politics, The New Tolerance, separation of church and state, false religions, apostate religions, “sacred cow” groups that claim victimhood, and consequently demand favorable treatment and status.

These are diametrically opposed to biblical values and the founding principles of America. Unless we reverse these false narratives immediately, America will never again be what it was when founded.  

To recognize evil, all we need to do is to look at what the bible teaches about Satan’s character and tool box. He is a deceiver and a destroyer. His M.O. is lying, censorship, coercion and destruction. When we see people or organizations promoting any of these, we know they are promoting evil.

Distinguishing between religious and secular

Today the religious realm is thought of as based upon beliefs and values that help and guide us through reality, but are not necessarily based upon reality, science or facts. Contrarily, the secular realm is believed to be based upon science, rationale and facts. Consequently, based upon that, secularism is reality and religions are based upon beliefs disconnected from reality.

One fallacy in this thinking pertains to the five definitions of “religious” in the dictionary. Only one of the definitions relates to supernatural religions; the other four relate to secular religiosity. The US Supreme Court labeled “secular humanism” as a religion and humanists claimed they were a religion for more than 100 years. Now, they deny their religious connection since they do not want to be included in their bogus “separation of church and state” suppression. Consequently, the humanism religion can reign as our state religion without being identified as a religion.

Inverting just punishment for crimes

In our judicial system we classify crimes into a hierarchical list with appropriate punishments depending upon the seriousness and extent of the crime. Judges increase the degree of punishment for more serious crimes and for the number of times the crime was committed. Sometimes the punishment is increased when committed against vulnerable people like children or the elderly.

The system described above would seem to be just and fair. Based upon that system, an action such as aborting vulnerable unborn babies by the millions would be the most serious crime possible and would require the most severe punishment. However, that crime is not punished at all! Alternatively, offending one individual or refuting someone else’s belief system is considered very serious and is punished as a very serious crime. For that crime people get fired, get censored, incur huge fines, are destroyed financially or are sent to prison.

One huge factor in this injustice is our conflict of interest with the truth. We suppress the truth through our unrighteousness (Romans 1:18).

The other major cause of this injustice is our rejection of the biblical command to be impartial. Our government has set up certain “sacred cow,” special status groups that we are required to be partial toward. We are coerced to accept them and their beliefs or be punished.  

Rights vs Responsibility

When we believe that our rights come from government they can be limited and taken away. This always results in tyranny. When we understand and accept that our rights come from God, our rights are protected and we have liberty.

America was founded and based upon our rights coming from God. The Declaration of Independence and our Constitution document that fact and that these rights are negative not positive rights. Primarily, these negative rights protect us from theft and abuse by others. However, today rights are positive and thought of as a right to goodies and special treatment from government.

Today our government, rather than expecting citizens to be responsible for themselves, usurps their responsibility as an excuse for buying their votes. In addition, it gives special interest groups special status while trampling on the God-given negative rights of others.

When God and his principles are not respected and followed, liberty gets stretched into license and illegitimate positive rights of some trample the legitimate negative rights of others. This can be seen when “sacred cow” special interest groups are given special status so they can abuse others by taking away their God given negative rights. One cause of this abuse is when we raise the seriousness of a slight, even unintentional offence against one of the “sacred cow” special interest groups to the level or above the level of serious criminal acts thus justifying serious punishments for those perceived of offending them.

Ideological groups’ names misrepresent their mission

Anarchical and abortion promoting organizations have names that completely misrepresent their missions. Those names give them a level of legitimacy that isn’t deserved based upon their mission. Their good sounding euphemisms attract people to their organizations who wouldn’t ordinarily be sympathetic to their cause. When people criticize their organizations based upon what they stand for, they throw their organization’s name in your face and accuse you of not being for what their misrepresented, euphemistic name represents.

One example of this is the Black Lives Matter organization. Although 700 hundred times more blacks die at the hands of other blacks than by police officers, BLM is only concerned with those the police kill while in the process of arresting them. Most of them are killed while resisting arrest and all of them were involved in criminal acts. Their real mission is to handcuff the police from enforcing the law and allow black criminals to be exempt from the law. When people support police and/or law and order they are accused of not caring about black lives. i.e. they use their false and misleading euphemism to help justify their illegitimate mission.

The same holds true for ANTIFA and Planned Parenthood. The misleading anti-fascist label should be Fascist and Planned Parenthood label should be Unplanned Unparenthood!

It’s not just black and white

Although, the death of George Floyd was tragic and unjustified, it is not simply a black and white issue.

The politically correct default narrative held by the media and leftist politicians is that we have blatant systemic racism; that black people are lily white on the inside and white people are soot black on the inside and that cops are the worst. It is that simple, period!

The problem is that this foundational, false narrative is factually wrong based upon solid evidence. Heather Mac Donald wrote an entire book and has spoken extensively refuting this narrative.

With that foundational worldview, any level of destruction is justified when an injustice against a black person by white cops occurs! It doesn’t matter that cops save many black lives in crime ridden black communities every day. It doesn’t matter that our society’s legitimate authority for upholding law, the cops, are completely disrespected and harassed constantly by the many in the black community. No concerns are expressed when hundreds of black youths are murdered in Chicago by other blacks. It is not about black people dying unjustifiably, it is about black power and illegitimatizing the legitimate authority from enforcing civil standards and laws. The rioters expect the police to be completely responsibility for their actions yet they take no responsibility for their actions. We need to hold both responsible.

The reality is that there will always be cultural, racial and religious differences that divide us. Consequently, we shouldn’t take offenses by those different from us as some big, serious issue. There are those who are offended every day by black leaders and leftist politicians that are anti-white, anti-conservative and anti-Christian.

The Christian bible teaches that creative endeavors are godly and destructive endeavors are satanic. No matter how biased or racial one person’s thoughts are towards others, its seriousness is minimal and should not be criminal. Unfortunately, we elevate offense of “thought crimes” to a high criminal level called “hate speech,” while at the same time we reduce the level of real action crimes like theft, destruction, censorship and coercion to justified non-criminal activity.