Letters to the Editor

These recent letters to the editor were written in the last couple of years with the newest on top.

It’s not just black and white

Although, the death of George Floyd was tragic and unjustified, it is not simply a black and white issue.

The politically correct default narrative held by the media and leftist politicians is that we have blatant systemic racism; that black people are lily white on the inside and white people are soot black on the inside and that cops are the worst. It is that simple, period!

The problem is that this foundational, false narrative is factually wrong based upon solid evidence. Heather Mac Donald wrote an entire book and has spoken extensively refuting that narrative.

With that foundational worldview, any level of destruction is justified when an injustice against a black person by white cops occurs! It doesn’t matter that cops save many black lives in crime ridden black communities every day. It doesn’t matter that our society’s legitimate authority for upholding law, the cops, are completely disrespected and harassed constantly by the black community. No concerns are expressed when hundreds of black youths are murdered in Chicago by other blacks. It is not about black people dying unjustifiably, it is about black power and illegitimatizing the legitimate authority from enforcing civil standards and laws. The rioters expect the police to be completely responsibility for their actions yet they take no responsibility for their actions. We need to hold both of them responsible.

The reality is that there will always be cultural, racial and religious differences that divide us. Consequently, we shouldn’t take offenses by those different than us as some big serious issue. People like me are offended every day by black leaders and leftist politicians that are anti-white, anti-conservative and anti-Christian.

The Christian bible teaches that creative endeavors are godly and destructive endeavors are Satanic. No matter how biased or racial one person’s thoughts are towards others, its seriousness is minimal and should not be criminal. Unfortunately, we elevate offense of “thought crimes” to a high criminal level called “hate speech” while at the same time reduce the level of real action crimes like theft, destruction, censorship and coercion to justified non-criminal activity.  

Examine your religious identity

This time of year, where at least three large religions celebrate their holidays, wouldn’t it be a good time to examine your religion?

First, for those of you that have a type of Christian religion or worldview consider the following:

Are you part of a large group that believes that you have it right? If so, consider Matthew 7:13 which states: “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.”

By definition, if you identify with and are part of some large or majority religious denomination or belief system you are on the road to destruction.

Are you able to practice and promote your religion without persecution? If so, consider 2 Timothy 3:12 which states: “Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.”

By definition, if you are not undergoing any persecution for your Christian religious beliefs and religious proselytizing, you are not in Christ Jesus.

Secondly, for those of you that do not believe in a supernatural religion and don’t think you are religious or have a religion, consider the following:

Most of the definitions of the word “religious” in the dictionary are not about belief in God or a deity. The US Supreme Court declared “secular humanism” as a religion. Humanists admitted and promoted the fact that they were a religion for over 100 years. The three humanist manifestos identify that humanism is a religion that is in diametric opposition to biblical Christianity.

Thirdly, for those that believe in God and the Torah, but do not believe that Jesus is the Messiah, consider the following:

Are you part of this religion that believes in God but rejects that Jesus is the Messiah? If so, consider what Romans 11:25-27 states:’ 25 For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. 26 And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: “The Deliverer will come out of Zion, And He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob; 27 For this is My covenant with them, When I take away their sins.”’


Fourthly, if you believe in a supernatural god, but have your doctrine defined by holy books other than the bible, consider the following:


Only the bible contains fulfilled prophecy. Beyond that, all of the 108 pre-documented, unique Messianic prophecies were fulfilled. This cannot be explained by random chance; thus, proving the bible’s authenticity. Make sure that the holy books that you are following do not refer to your god as “the great deceiver” or “one who can lead people astray as he wishes” or a “destroyer.” If so, you are serving the wrong god!

Clash of Worldviews

The two competing worldview beliefs of Americans can be classified as parallel, but diametrically opposite. The two worldview beliefs are extremely polarized and those holding them are very passionate. One side or classification of this divide has the following attributes or beliefs: traditional, God-fearing, Judeo-Christian, conservative, capitalist, bible-believing, accepting and striving to follow the 10 Commandments, restrains fleshly desires, law-abiding, having a high value of life, rational, logical, nationalistic, believe in individual responsibility, liberty-loving and willing to extend religious liberty and individual freedom to others.

The other worldview side or classification can be described as: progressive, despising God, Pagan, liberal, socialist/Marxist, secular humanist, despising the 10 Commandments, wanting all restraints on fleshly desires removed, lawless, having a low value of life, irrational, emotional and globalist. They are obsessed with power and are tyrannical. They believe in group identity and responsibility rather than individual. Rather than extending religious liberty and freedom of speech to those believing in the opposite worldview, they believe in “sacred cow” oppressed groups and evil oppressor groups. They demonize and coerce Christians or conservatives to accept the supremacy of their “sacred cow” groups and demand allegiance to their orthodoxy.

This second classification has a virtual monopoly on the (false) narrative that is promoted as gospel. It is taught to everyone from toddlers to grandpas. This indoctrination monopoly includes schools, TV stations, newspapers, entertainment, government and now is even being promoted in our evangelical churches by replacing the true gospel with a Marxist “social justice” gospel that treats only physical needs and makes the government their god. Any promotion of the opposite worldview is censored and the messenger demonized.

We need a law passed that would mandate that the currently censored worldview to be taught in all schools five days a week to level the playing field. I have no problem with the alternative being taught in a similar fashion. We just need to prevent the god-fearing worldview from being censored. The bogus separation of church and state argument (allegedly) justifying censorship is invalid for two reasons. The Establishment Clause was never intended to keep Christianity out of government. Christian symbols are chiseled all over Washington D.C. Additionally, the alternative worldview is equally religious. It is just the opposite religion.   

Republicans are missing an opportunity

Today with our partisan political landscape it is considered virtuous to reach across the aisle and cooperate with the opposition party to pass legislation. One of the policies that all Democratic presidential candidates agree upon is that government-funded social justice programs should be implemented so the descendants of former slaves could receive reparations to atone for the injustice they received. They also claim that this implementation of reparations is justified based upon biblical principles. In addition, they blame the white descendants of slave owners as the target group that is primarily responsible and consequently, they should fund the reparations.

Although, Republicans don’t agree with any of this, I believe they could agree with the reparations part If the true primary group that was responsible for keeping slavery in place and preventing all efforts to abolish it were identified. The group that fought and voted as a block against abolition and for slavery was the Democratic Party per Dinesh D’Souza. Now that same party is calling for reparations. I think the Republicans should work with them on that legislation that would make the group primarily responsible (the Democrats) pay for the entire cost!

Using white people or white males as the ones to blame is “pinning the rose” on the wrong group. Many blacks were slave owners. The people selling the blacks into slavery were blacks also. In addition, many whites were indentured servants (temporary slaves). Besides that, white William Wilberforce worked his whole life to get the British to discontinue the slave trade. In addition, 300,000 union soldiers died to free the slaves. The other problem with the false narrative promoted by the democrats is the whole social justice ideology is not biblically just and it is actually the antithesis of biblical justice!

Legitimatizing illegitimacy and legalizing illegality

It seems like our world has been turned upside down by postmodern liberal, progressive ideology. What was formally believed to be good and desirable now is viewed as bad, illegitimate and deserving of criminalizing with severe punishments! Basically, our well established Judeo Christian values are all being demonized and replaced with the diametrically opposite values. This is not a small insignificant thing! It is like having a million dollar savings account and having it reversed so that now you have a million dollar debt.

Those Judeo Christian values we held dear are based upon biblical principles and teachings. Consequently, the diametrically opposite values that are now being taught are all opposed to biblical principles and teachings. Philippians 4:8 states:

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.

These legitimate things are now being demonized and considered illegitimate. Beyond that when we stand up for and practice those good things, those in power are beginning to codify those things so those that practice and promote them can be prosecuted as criminals. The verse following the one above implies that we are to promote and do those things that we are to meditate upon.

The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.

Consequently, we are legitimatizing illegitimacy and legalizing illegality. It is similar to the upside down world described in George Orwell’s book “1984;” where the propaganda department had the euphemistic title of the “Department of Truth.” The Modus Operandi of legitimizing illegitimacy is done by making an uncommon and undesirable belief or behavior common by flooding our senses with it on TV, academia, entertainment, advertising and other media. An addition false foundation was getting public acceptance of relative truth and denying absolute truth including biblical truth. Still another false foundation was to paint basic human nature as good and perfectible when the bible states that man’s hearts are wicked and their righteousness as filthy rags. Our Constitution that has way outlasted other constitutions was based upon believing the biblical nature of man. With those false foundations established they have been able to delegitimize any proper criticism of their beliefs and behaviors while demonizing the messenger of truth. No balance debate is ever allowed on the true merits of beliefs and behaviors. The messenger is attacked as being phobic, a hater and one that discriminates against groups considered as ”Sacred Cows.” The M.O. is a brilliant plan to turn truth on its head. I believe it was conceived by Lucifer himself; the father of lies and deception. Isaiah 5:20 states:

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Choosing Evil and Death While Demonizing Good and Life

We live in a world now that was described in the “1984” book by George Orwell. What was good earlier, now is bad and what was bad earlier now is good. Everything that was bad, now has a good sounding euphemism like the “Department of Truth” being the propaganda arm of the government or killing unborn babies described as “a woman’s right to choose” that gives it pseudo legitimacy.

Also, all the past things that were thought to be evil and now have been sanctified as good are diametrically opposed to biblical principles. All these political and cultural positions are supported by liberals and the current Democratic Party. They are also supported by the progressives in the Republican Party. The only ones that are not supporting them are conserves and biblical Christians. I challenge anyone to show how any of these positions are biblical! It was previously documented that none of 60+ liberal political positions were biblical. Consequently, it is easy to make the case that all the previous things that were believed to be good were biblical and now all the things that now have been sanctified as good are antithetical to biblical principles. In the same way it is easy to make the case that what is happening now in our world is simply a rebellion against God and His word and teachings! The following biblical texts support that conclusion.

Proverbs 14:12 states:

There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.

Proverbs 8:36 states:

But he who sins against me wrongs his own soul;
All those who hate me love death.”

Isaiah 5:20 states:

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Matthew 7:13-14:

13 “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.14 [a]Because narrow is the gate and [b]difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.

Today we have many people in despair and suicidal. We wonder why we see so much violence. People have been told that they are basically animals and that we live in a “survival of the fittest” environment. We teach them that they are not made in the image of God and they have no divine purpose. We have told them that truth is only relative and that Christianity and biblical teaching including the Ten Commandments should be kept out of the “public square.”

This rebellion by the people in our culture is just following the lead of what Saul Alinsky referred to as the first rebel to win his kingdom by rebelling, Lucifer. It is all about a struggle for power. Lucifer wanted to be a god himself rather than letting God be God. Today we are rebelling against God because we want to be our own god and are not letting God be God. Like Solomon stated “there is nothing new under the sun.” Politicians do what they do in a quest for power that allows them to justify doing anything no matter how evil. They are willing to destroy our country if it gives them power. Lying and deception are their main tools. That perfectly describes our American globalists. Destroying America is no problem. It is the solution that usurps our national sovereignty and gives power over us.

Our country has been great because it has been good. It has been good because it was founded upon biblical principles. Our founders understood that man was depraved and that our government was designed to limit the evil that depraved people could do. However, historians have been promoting a revisionist history that paints America as an evil country. It is strange that an evil country would help so many other nations under siege and provided way more opportunity that any other country. Why is it that everyone wants to come to America! What is unique about America is that it had slaves but 300,000 died to free the slaves.

Where is the evil in forced integration or segregation?

An article titled “Charter schools’ integration exemption is questioned” was published in the June 13th St. Paul Pioneer Press. The article is about questioning a Minnesota state law that exempts charter schools from forced integration. People are always arguing that minorities cannot get an adequate education in segregated schools. I have never seen any statistical evidence to support that assertion. In fact, the article cites two all-black academy’s that claim that their students perform better than schools that are mixed due to forced integration.

It is a shame that the false segregation / integration narrative has been promoted and accepted by our culture. This narrative asserts that somehow segregation is evil because it is antithetical to education. Consequently, forced integration was foisted upon our country as a solution to a forced segregation concern. Somehow we don’t understand that the evil is forcing things as opposed to leaving natural situations natural! The other twin evil in our country is censorship. We need to recognize that the real evils are coercion and censorship not the natural distribution of kids in classrooms!           

Optics Make all the Difference!

As any eye doctor knows, optics make all the difference. Most people need some correction to enable them to see clearly. In addition, any distortion or a reduction in contrast to the image makes it difficult to see clearly. These can result from dirt on lenses or cloudiness in the lens or cornea of the eye.

Although these optical factors can have a huge impact on our clear vision, what has a far more devastating effect on our view of the world is whether our perception is the positive image that we normally see rather than the negative view that represents the receptor film in a camera or what is cast on our retina. In our normal existence, to my knowledge, we all see the positive image of physical things in our world. However, in our worldview of beliefs regarding culture, politics, philosophy and religion we see diametrically opposite beliefs.

If one worldview is the true one that represents reality the other one represents the negative image of reality and a false virtual reality. We only need to identify which is which. If you are pretty sure that your worldview is the true one that represents reality, then you should be trying to get those that are living in the false, negative virtual reality to “see the light.” The question is, are you? Alternatively, if it is the opposite camp is the true one that represents reality they should be trying to bet your side to “see the light.” That is what I am trying to do; get you to see reality by supplying evidence of which is which.

The following excerpt is from my book “Rights vs Responsibility.”

The relationship between a real image (reality) and the image on a photographic negative in a camera is a perfect analogy that describes the difference between the real world of facts and truth and the false cultural, political and religious images being promoted in America and around the world today. An actual image is the embodiment of truth and reality whereas the image produced on a photographic film in a camera is the opposite in every respect. The right side of the actual image is transposed to the left side on the film negative and the top of the actual image is transposed to the bottom on the film negative and vice versa. That is not all that has been inverted. The brightest sources of light on the actual image are transposed to be the darkest part on the negative of the image and vice versa.

One thing that I didn’t state here is that if a person is the negative in a sense or is inverted like the negative of have their beliefs inverted, their world inside the camera box all looks like normal reality even though it is the opposite virtual reality.

Biblical principles certainly support this concept regarding what we should expect to see in our world. It teaches that a creator God exists that is a loving God as well as a just God. The bible teaches that Lucifer was created as archangel but that he used his free will to rebel against the creator God. It tells that God can only tell truth and actually is truth. It also tells how Lucifer in his rebellion became Satan. It explains how he is a liar and the father of lies and seeks to destroy us and God’s plan for a win/win redemption. i.e. God represents reality and truth and Satan represents a false reality that can only be convincing through lies and deception. It tells us how most of Satan’s lies are appealing and have a measure of satisfaction for a short term, but ultimately cause nothing buy misery, separation and death to those that follow him. The bible teaches that we either are a promoter and a slave of either God or Satan. There is no neutral ground. We can’t be part of both camps.

How ingenious MO’s are used to discredit truth and what is good and establish diametrically opposite replacements

Before everything was turned upside down we could distinguish between good and evil using our internal conscience and a rational open dialog that would expose false and evil beliefs, concepts and actions. In addition, the biblical commandments and moral concepts supported that worldview. Today, as you know, that traditional biblical and rational worldview has been turned on its head. This didn’t happen because we discovered new truths that would make the world a better place and consequently found it appropriate to implement a new fundamentally sound paradigm to replace the old antiquated one.

This reversal began with a shift from a concern for what was good for society itself to promoting the passionate desires of individuals for their selfish, lustful and normally self-destructive desires and behaviors. We allowed God given personal liberty to be stretched into license that didn’t respect biblical guidelines.

The most recent MO that helped facilitate reversing our beliefs in good and evil from the traditional MO described above that kept our society within boundaries to the opposite and evil established beliefs that we have today, was changing the criterion from an evaluation of the belief or behavior to that judgment being the evil entity because it may possibly offend somebody. Consequently, the offence of the judging nullified the judgment no matter how valid and made the evil beliefs and behaviors that needed to be judged given a free pass and an angelic victim status. This effectively good and evil on its head! The bible states the following in Isaiah 5:20-23:

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes,
And prudent in their own sight!

22 Woe to men mighty at drinking wine,
Woe to men valiant for mixing intoxicating drink,
23 Who justify the wicked for a bribe,
And take away justice from the righteous man!

The other MO that has also facilitated turning truth and goodness on its head is the establishment of false foundations. Two false foundational beliefs that pseudoscience has established are biological macroevolution and man-made global warming or climate change. Both discredit the bible and consequently nullify our m oral foundation. They both a false foundational belief that supported additional false beliefs. Other false foundational beliefs that have been established are by using good sounding euphemisms like “Black Lives Matter” that support a good cause but do not represent the actual mission of the organization. They don’t really care about the main source of destroyed black lives, only those that the police find involved in crime. “Planned Parenthood” is another false euphemism. A name that matches their mission would be “Unplanned Unparenthood.”      

Random Biological Macro Evolution vs Supernatural Special Creation

I commend the Star Tribune and Michael Nesset for publishing and writing an opinion article titled “One Man’s Journey to Reconcile Reason and Faith.” I state that because I believe it is important to have a continued discussion on this polorizing topic. On Sunday July 31, 2005 the other local newspaper featured a letter of mine along with 6 other letters on the same topic. I have published a chapter on the topic in a book and my son wrote an entire book on the topic.

When the author and the late Stephen Jay Gould try to place the origins of our existence in separate strata or state that myth and reality can be equally valid, that is twisting logic to suppress the antithetical nature of the evolutionary and creation origin accounts. Random, unguided evolution and supernatural creation are diametrically opposite origin beliefs. If one is true the other is false! That is why we need continued discussion on the topic to establish which one is true!

Stephen Jay Gould basically stated that the evolutionary tree is bogus and that gradualism was never seen in the rocks. A similar article by Richard F. McMahon published on the same day stated that scientists like Gould, Eldridge, Goldsmith and Crick now reject natural selection and proposed a theory called “punctuated equilibrium” that ironically would have the same evidence in the fossil record as special creation.” How deceptive and bogus is this without admitting that evolution is just false!

Censorship Collusion

The alleged Russian collusion against President Trump has been a continuous drumbeat with the concern that the Russians effected the election in Trump’s favor. No evidence has been presented for that accusation. Liberals are just promoting an illegitimate partisan “smokescreen” to discredit Trump while hiding their planned collusion and censorship of real truth that refutes their one-sided, special interest political positions.

We just learned in a Drudge Report that a smoking-gun, 49-page document, revealed how the George Soros left-wing Media Matters internet organization and its founder, David Brock, presented a plan to defeat Trump to donners in January 2017 immediately after Trump’s inauguration. It has been described as the most diabolical attack on free speech in the history of America. They plotted with tech giants to censor right-leaning information on their social-media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Apple.

Psychologist Robert Epstein told Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson how Google and Facebook internet tech giants have the power to shift “upwards of 12 million votes” in November’s midterm elections by manipulating the political views of their users. That influence is accomplished by censoring conservative and Christian content. When competing ideas are debated, the better idea usually wins. When organizations don’t have ideas that can win in an open debate they resort to censoring the opposition’s arguments. Censorship and deceit are the big evils that we need to expose if America is going to be a free nation that can lead the world to a better place! 

Media and Internet Censorship

It is one level of evil when political opinions, religious beliefs or scientific beliefs are censored openly through Political Correctness or by law, but a much higher level of evil when it is done “undercover” or by stealth means. We have had nothing but distain for governments or organizations that have openly burnt books in the past. However, now various allegedly journalistic media outlets are nothing more that partisan “brainwashing” organizations pushing false narratives. Where is the outrage? They should be forced to identify themselves as partisan political organizations not classified as news journalism organizations.

Another, even worse, form of censorship has been exposed recently. It was verified that the big companies that control the internet like google, Facebook and YouTube have set up algorithms that basically sensor conservative positions and Christian beliefs. In addition, those companies as well as Amazon are so big that they can and do attract almost all of the sponsorship supporter. This leaves very little support for internet companies with the opposite worldview that support ultimate freedom, opportunity and justice. This is an indirect form of stealth censorship.

Those stealth censorship companies claim to be taking the moral “high ground” when censoring positions favorable to conservative and Christian beliefs. I just have one question? Why aren’t they censoring pornography! I would think that would be the number one priority when censoring based upon the moral “high ground.”             

The Minority Supremacy Coup

The anniversary memorial of the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally was scheduled the weekend of August 11th &12th. The original rally was to protest the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee. This year only about 20 well behaved white supremacists showed up along with hundreds of lawless, angry, violent counter protestors that demanded America’s destruction. The organizers were Jason Kessler and Robert Spencer who were allegedly white supremacists and “Alt-right” right-wing extremists. Indeed, they are white supremacists, but are they right-wing extremists and are they relevant in our political discourse?

Dinesh D’Souza exposed Robert Spencer, the founder of the alt-right, as a left-wing progressive in his recent movie. I heard reports a year ago that both sides of protesters arrived on the same bus. We need to identify if we are looking at grass-roots protests or organized Astroturf protests.

I believe that the whole orchestrated protest and counter protests were planned to promote a false narrative if they could only goad someone into killing somebody. They accomplished that and it was very unfortunate for the person that died and their family, but very fortunate for the false narrative that white conservatives are racists and bad, while the violent and destructive Antifa organization representing minorities that protested against alleged white privilege, hate and fascism were the good guys! It is hard to believe that masked groups are good!

It is interesting that white supremacy ideology is never promoted on any TV, radio programs or by politicians, let alone forced upon people. Consequently, it is politically irrelevant. However minority supremacy and left-wing dogma are promoted daily by the media, politicians and in academia. It is not only promoted and indoctrinated constantly, but its acceptance is coerced by groups like Antifa, Black Lives Matter, the LBGT lobby and college professors.

Deep State Playbook: Deceiving, Conspiring, Colluding, Bullying, Coercion and Censorship

Hypocritical “Deep State” liberal activists in the media, Hollywood and government have used the normal legal and legitimate separation of children of illegal immigrants from their parents under some circumstances to propel them into a hyperventilated state. Then they used that false narrative to justify extreme rhetoric and bullying of all leaders that work in the trump administration or those that have conservative values. Jeh Johnson and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz testified that such separation was not new. Compassion for the children was evident and the conditions were good; definitely better than the Obama administration.

Those that had their civil rights restricted recently by the “Deep State” activists include Press Secretary Sara Huckabee Sanders, DHS Secretary Kristjen Nielsen, Florida’s Attorney General Bam Bondi, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes and Stephen Miller. In addition, two dozen Homeland Security employs were threatened, 1000 plus had their private identity made public and one agent found a decapitated burnt animal on his porch. This is not the America that was the envy of the world and was a force for good everywhere. We have deteriorated into something where having power in the hands of the Democratic political party is more important than civility, freedom and democracy.

We are learning that these same “Deep State” activists that let Hillary Clinton off the hook on many crimes and are trying to frame President Trump are operating within the Justice Department and the FBI. Robert Mueller and these people that need to be neutral are completely comprised by being partisan liberal Democrats have nothing but contempt for President Trump. We learned that they’re cozy with and are accepting “goodies” from the Fake left wing media.

Until the American citizenry can learn to recognize the use of the “Deep State” playbook attributes as evil, America will continue to be destroyed. 

The minimum wage debate

Three faith leaders authored an article titled “Here’s why we support a $15 minimum wage in St. Paul” that was published June 10th. They are very passionate and stated they are willing to promote civil disobedience tactics to coerce the appropriate outcome. I support their desire to help the poor but disagree with their method of helping the poor since it is artificial, unjust and unsustainable. For more than half a century many government multi trillion dollar programs have been implemented to help the poor and get a more equal economic outcome. It has actually made the poor more dependent.

However, my biggest concern is that these social justice warriors support liberation theology, group salvation and equal outcome. All of these nullify true justice, equal opportunity and biblical truth. These religious leaders are promoting another Jesus and another gospel that isn’t historical or biblical. They are trying to create the physical kingdom of God on earth now rather than making our hearts right with God and promoting individual salvation through redemption in Jesus Christ that will qualify us to take part in the coming kingdom of God where there will be peace, righteousness and perfect justice, but still not equal outcome. 

Activists need more skin in the game

The recent US Supreme Court decision that acquitted Jack Phillips of discrimination against Charlie Craig and Dave Mullins when he refused to design and bake a wedding cake for their homosexual wedding is a step in the right direction. However, it doesn’t go far enough to discourage similar injustices in the future.

Their complaint against Phillips to the Colorado Civil Rights Commission and the resulting legal battle essentially destroyed Phillips financially for not violating his personal religious beliefs. If Phillips would have refused to sell any standard product or standard service strictly because of his client’s beliefs or skin color etc., we would have some sympathy toward the plaintiffs. Justice Kennedy stated that Phillips was mistreated and the commission showed “hostility” toward him.

This is just one example where those who unjustifiably and falsely accuse and attempt to punish another person of wrong doing by using the law or a media platform. We need laws that require accountability that would punish the plaintiffs or accusers to at least the degree that they attempt to punish their targets. i.e. we need more skin in the game.

We need more clarity in all the discrimination based accusations or making examples of others. We are stretching the discrimination definition to require acceptance, affirmation and celebration of someone else’s beliefs, behavior or worldview. What if Christians insisted that everybody endorse their beliefs and morality or be punished? We need to see a red flag whenever coercion or censorship are employed.  

Growing Animosity and Bigotry toward Certain Groups and Beliefs

An article titled “Anti-Diversity and Pro-Exclusion Found in Our Nation’s Colleges” by Walter Williams published on May 3rd was the trigger for this letter. His main theme documented how our colleges are totally controlled by liberals and how they use that control to indoctrinate students in liberal ideology and censor any conservative voices on campus including those with biblical beliefs.

My concern is that the M.O. used on campuses that censors conservative ideologies and biblical values is just the “tip of the iceberg” when it comes to what is happening with other influential opinion molders. Some of these include movies, television, newspapers, magazines, social media, search engines, the internet in general, government, the judiciary, other religions and even some Christian churches.

Besides conservative speakers being shouted down on campuses, people are ridiculed. People’s lives are being destroyed because they do not endorse the LBGT agenda. Senator Cory Booker raked Mike Pompeo “over the coals” because he has biblical values and does not endorse homosexuality. Although censored by the media, white farmers in South Africa are being driven off their land and murdered by the black majority with the full consent of the government. World-wide anti-Semitism demonizes Israel and the Jews when Israel should actually be viewed as an example for accomplishments and fairness in dealing with others. California is trying to pass hate legislation (2943) against conservative and biblical beliefs that would ultimately censor bibles.

Although all of these appear to be separate issues, they all fundamentally stem from the two diametrically opposite worldviews that include a biblical and an anti-God, man centered worldview. The biblical worldview is considered religious and based upon personal beliefs while the anti-God worldview is considered rational, factual and scientific while it is every bit as religious and no more scientific then the biblical worldview.

The Separation of Church and State Anomaly

Democrats passed a bill in the California Assembly (2943) that would ban the sale of books that express Christian beliefs about sexual morality. This quite possibly could extend to printed texts like the Bible.

This huge problem of censorship and forced secular-religious orthodoxy, currently in California and soon to be nationwide, needs to be exposed for what it is; a national religious dogma referred to in the establishment clause as the unlawful “state church.”

This thought may be foreign to readers, but humanism was promoted for more than a hundred years by its leaders as a religion to compete against and replace the “rotting corpse” of Christianity. The dictionary and the US Supreme Court also support the existence of secular religions.

The “wall of separation” metaphor used in Case Law to outlaw Christianity from government and the public square is not supported by the Constitution or historical context. The unfortunate use of that metaphor allowed secularists to change the intent from keeping the government out of the church to keeping the church out of government. To add insult to injury they made humanism our “state religion” and denied its religiosity to exempt it from the restrictions it placed upon Christianity

Demanding endorsement of religious beliefs

Cory Booker demanded that Mike Pompeo endorse his religious beliefs including his gay lifestyle while at the same time being intolerant of Mike Pompeo’s biblical Christian religious beliefs in a recent senate confirmation hearing. Make no mistake, gay lifestyle beliefs and all man-centered humanist’s beliefs are also religious beliefs. They are diametrically opposite religious beliefs to biblical Christianity. This is confirmed by the dictionary, the US Supreme Court and humanist leaders for more than 100 years. During that time they used the religious draw to sell their philosophy as a replacement for Christianity.

Now that our constitution’s establishment clause has been corrupted by taking what was meant to prohibit a specific Christian denomination from becoming our state church to prohibiting any kind of Christianity from having an influence anywhere in government or in the public arena, humanism no longer admits to being a religion.

What Cory Booker did was to condemn Mike Pompeo for his religious position while at the same time demanding Mike Pompeo endorse his religious position. It is the height of hypocrisy to demand others to endorse our religious position when we refuse to tolerate their position, let alone endorse it!

Confusing religious liberty with coerced endorsement

During the senate confirmation hearings for Mike Pompeo, Senator Cory Booker demonized him for his position of not affirming gay marriage and his position that Muslims in America should have some obligation in condemning and preventing terrorism.

We have been very confused in America between religious liberty and religious tolerance vs coerced religious endorsement and religious intolerance. Religious tolerance and religious liberty are similar and are what we should support. Coerced religious endorsement and religious intolerance is an evil that we should never support and should totally condemn.

Of the five definitions of religion in the Merriam-Webster dictionary only one refers to God. The other four refer to secular religiosity. We are referring to the broad definition here. Typically, promoters of secular religious positions such as Cory Booker takes, only consider the narrow definition that unjustifiably makes them exempt from the condemnation they “dish out” on people that are no more religious than they are.

Believing in religious liberty for any religious positions means that we tolerate positions we do not agree with and are not coercive in respect to forcing them to our position. What Cory Booker did was to condemn Mike Pompeo for his religious positions, thus not granting him religious freedom, while at the same time coercing Mike Pompeo to endorse his religious position. It is the height of hypocrisy to demand others to endorse our religious position when we you don’t even tolerate their position, let alone endorse it!    

Information suppression in the information age

One would think that during the current information age where technology and information are exploding that all information would be readily accessible. However, we actually find that the accessibly of information is selectively controlled or sometimes invented to support specific agendas.

Recently it has come to light how Facebook and Google screen, limit and censor conservative news. We have learned the FBI censored information by refusing to release documents to Congress regarding use of a false dossier to get a FISA warrant.

Earlier the IRS selectively approved organizations for tax exemptions. All the conservative requests were denied while all the liberal organization approvals were expedited. The Obama administration claimed to be the most transparent while information on his background was suppressed.

Now we are learning more about how his corrupt administration was complicit in many ways that undermined American interests by suppressing information or disclosing false information. Examples that concealed the Islamic threat include when army major Nidal Hassan murdered 13 people at Fort Hood while yelling Allahu Akbar and Obama classified it work place violence and when Clapper stated the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization. What obfuscation! We also were misled through censorship or misinformation regarding the Iran nuclear deal and the Russian deal with Uranium One.

It has been documented that only 5% of the news about President Trump is positive while negative reports on Trump are three times higher than for President Obama. That negative news on President Trump has been described as “fake news.” This is against a backdrop of President Obama apologizing for America and weakening out military while President Trump is trying to make America great again and strengthening our military and our economy. A liberal agenda in the media is obvious and the anti-American liberal worldview needs to be exposed with “real news.”         

Sensible statutes that would improve driver safety and contentment

Appropriate new enforcement statutes would improve driver safety, traffic flow and contentment for both cars and golf carts. These proposed statutes world relate to traffic flow, not to intersection, stop sign and other hazards. They would apply to a typical moderate level of traffic flow, not to heavy bumper-to-bumper traffic or very light traffic. In heavy traffic all vehicles can do is to follow traffic. In very light traffic accidents between vehicles is minimal and not a major concern.

Maximum speed limits are primarily important because of stationary objects and oncoming traffic hazards. Otherwise what is important and the cause of most accidents in flowing traffic is the difference in speed between vehicles. Statutes should include a maximum difference in speed for vehicles passing other vehicles. That same statute should control the speed of slow moving vehicles such as bicycles or golf carts on roads with speed limits faster than those vehicles can go since they present the same type of hazard. Should we allow vehicles on roads where they can’t even come close to obtaining the speed limit? Efforts like minimum speed limits on freeways, freeway ramps and minimum speed requirements on LSV golf carts are steps in the right direction, but are inadequate.

I envision that once self-driving cars are the norm, speed limits would increase 5-10 mph between lanes for each lane to the left. That type of speed difference minimizes the excessive difference that causes accidents while also allowing enough of a speed difference so vehicles can change lanes to exit etc. and also prevent vehicles from clogging up the passing lanes that frustrate drivers. It is natural and typical to have clumping into a train of vehicles with empty roads or paths between trains of vehicles or golf carts.

The benefit of focusing on speed differences between vehicles rather than on actual speed should justify an exemption to maximum actual speed limits when driving on multilane roads or when passing. Minnesota has a statute that allows vehicles to go 10 mph over the limit when passing on a single lane road with oncoming traffic. That is a step in the right direction, but is inadequate to maximize safety. It would be much safer to allow vehicles to accelerate as fast as possible when passing with oncoming traffic until they recognize the potential hazard is over and not have to be concerned with their actual speed. When passing without oncoming traffic the need for rapid acceleration or higher speed it is not as critical, but the same concept still should apply when getting around a vehicle in a different lane or a golf cart in a designated golf cart lane. In both cases getting around in a shorter period of time increases safety, traffic flow and driver contentment and should justify an exemption to the maximum speed limits.

On The Villages golf cart paths normal statues do not apply and there is no enforcement. However, strict guidelines should be adopted that address safety, traffic flow and driver contentment on the golf cart paths. Just like on roadways, speed differences are the biggest hazard, but unlike on a roadway the primary responsibility shouldn’t be on the faster moving golf cart. The paths are usually quite busy and have many bends that make passing very hazardous when the sole responsibility is on the faster golf cart. Also unlike roadways, the golf cart paths have ways for the slower moving golf carts, walkers, bikers etc. to facilitate the faster golf carts to pass safely. The problem is that no guidelines have been established and communicated that put a significant portion of the responsibility on the slow moving entities. Currently, they believe they are exempt from responsibility. It is rare when the leader of a train of golf carts does anything to allow the faster carts to pass.

Jumping the gun

We all agree that mass shootings are something we need to stop or at least mitigate. After every tragic incident we blame the existence of guns and mental health as the cause. Although guns are involved in mass shootings by definition, are they really the root cause of the shootings?

Plotting the number of mass shootings in America by decade starting in 1900 through the current decade, it shows that between 1900 until 1960 we only had about 0-2 mass shootings per decade except for the 1930’s and 40’s where they were higher due to the great depression. In the 1960’s decade they started to accelerate with successive totals of 6, 13, 12, 22, 20 and 69 projected for this decade. We know that we have very high gun violence rates in places that have very restrictive gun control laws like Illinois and Washington DC. We also know that the mental health of people has not deteriorated during this period.

If you have ever taken a “problem solving” class you learned that you need ask what changed during the time period when things went bad. America underwent drastic changes in the 1960’s that turned our traditional values and belief in God upside down. Young people were being taught that they were not created in God’s image having great worth, but were the product of random, purposeless evolution and are basically animals. God and prayer were tossed out of schools. The killing of unwanted babies in the womb was made legal. Sexual intimacy was separated from commitment and the biblical marriage mandate. Moral truth was denied and replaced with relative truth. Biblical Christianity was separated from our government and the public square while the opposite religion of humanism was made America’s State Church.

It is as basic as supply and demand; when we cheapen life, life is no longer viewed as sacred and valuable.

Heavy on firefighting, light on prevention

With the tremendous effort fighting the California wild fires and the astronomical cost associated with their destruction, one needs to question the need for some type of prevention effort to mitigate the catastrophe. In addition to the literal meaning of firefighting, the word is also used as a metaphor for efforts to mitigate an undesirable outcome. My concern is that we tend to go light on prevention efforts in many problem areas and thus reap dire consequences that result in very costly, ineffective firefighting efforts. A commercial example is when companies fail to manufacture a quality product they suffer extensive failure costs.

My primary concern is that within our culture we have so much dysfunction, despair, suicides, addictions, dependency etc. that are tragic for all, but also require a tremendous firefighting effort. We do not identify the root causes and implement preventative efforts to mitigate the widespread disasters. Examples of these include depression, drug addiction, dependency, murders, pedophilia, suicide etc.

Let’s take drug addiction for example. The failure cost is astronomical and the firefighting effort, although great and commendable, is very ineffective. The addicts stop becoming a productive member of society and they turn to crime to support their habit. Breaking the habit is far, far more difficult than getting hooked. If we could identify the root cause it would mitigate both the tragedy and the firefighting cost.

Rather than seriously looking for true causes that can be supported with data we always blame things like poverty, education, race, gender etc. Data does not support any of them. However, data would support things like the theory of evolution and abortion dehumanizing people, discrediting of biblical morals, breakdown of the traditional or biblical family, feminism etc. We need to go heavy on prevention so we can go light on firefighting!  

Religious and Secular Confusion

I want to thank both writers that wrote critical letters responding to my letter on religions being painted with complementary colors. I thank them for presenting their strong opinions on both secular humanism and Islam and continuing a discussion that is desperately needed in “the public square.”

Regarding secular humanism, I was criticized for stating it is a religion, that secular humanists don’t believe in God and that secular humanism is responsible for much of the evil in our society. One writer stated that hatred, persecution and violence is almost entirely faith-based (religious in nature). We completely agree with that. The only caveat is that unfortunately secular humanism is normally not included in with the many other false religions that are responsible for the evils we see. The other false assumption made is that all religions are either all bad or all good. We need to delineate between good and bad religions. Within Christianity we need to delineate between biblical Christianity and heretical and apostate denominational organizations. 

The Merriam-Webster dictionary has basically five definitions for “religion.” Only the first one is specific about service and worship to a God or the supernatural. The other four basically relate to the secular (religious) realm.

The original 1933 Humanist Manifesto rejected belief in God. Secular humanist John Dewey described Humanism as our “common faith.” Julian Huxley called it “Religion without Revelation.” John Dunphy, a secular humanist, wrote in the Humanist magazine, “The classroom must and will become an arena of conflict between the old and the new – the rotting corpse of Christianity, together with all its evils and misery, and the new faith of humanism.”


We need to examine history and recognize the evils of false religions and that true liberty only comes where biblical Christianity was or is practiced.  

Response to Opinion Letter on Donald Trump by Villager Marsha Shearer

This opinion letter is in response to the recent letter on Donald Trump by Marsha Shearer. I was compelled to respond to this letter as I was to respond to a similar rambling rant letter bashing Trump in The Daily Sun. America is split into two factions that have polar opposite opinions and result in opposite effects as contrasted in the two columns below:

Theistic Belief in Biblical Christianity

Humanistic Belief Excluding God






Control / Servitude











Freedom of Speech & Religion

Concerned with Offence / Censorship



Submission to God

Rebellion Against God

Pro Life

Pro Death



Individual Rights

Collective Rights

Negative Rights that Protect

Positive Rights that are Goodies



Basically, the election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton was a referendum on America’s sovereignty and constitutional law which represents Trump and the first column of beliefs or effects in the above table. The second column represents Obama, Hillary and is a globalist, “One World” government ideology that results in tyranny. This political war and its opposite alignments are not anything new. It started when Lucifer rebelled against God, his creator, and wanted to be like God. It continued when Lucifer in the form of a serpent seduced Eve and Adam to also rebel against God. It continued with Nimrod and the Tower of Babel trying to implement a “One World” government against God’s plan. In recent time it continued with the League of Nations, the Club of Rome, the European Union and the United Nations and is headed towards a “One World” government as the bible and facts confirm.

Saul Alinsky admitted he was aligned with Lucifer and in rebellion against God when he stated the following in his introduction to his book “Rules for Radicals.”

Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgement to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins – or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom – Lucifer.

Karl Marx’s and Alinsky’s goals were similar; dethrone God and destroy capitalism. That is still the goal of the leftists, humanists and progressives. God has allowed Lucifer to be the ruler of this world for a time, but is ultimately using short term evil for ultimate good.

Some of the evils and items mentioned by Ms. Shearer article include, the “shinning city upon a hill”, lies, prejudice and denigrating groups of people, using position to enrich oneself, unchecked executive power, quid pro quo, moral bankruptcy, corruption and some false statistics concerning the tax cut plan.

The “shining city upon a hill” phrase was coined by Reagan and he was the one that stated that “the government is the problem!” It was in reference to America being morally a great nation. Why isn’t that synonymous with “Make America Great Again.” I don’t know of any Trump lies. Obama and Clinton’s lies are too many to count. Regarding prejudice and denigrating groups, the liberals have a monopoly. They were the ones supporting slavery. Ridicule and denigration are what Alinsky taught to Hillary and Obama, his students, who learned well. Regarding unchecked executive power, Obama was the one that said he had a phone and a pen to implement laws that congress would not pass. Regarding using position to enrich oneself and quid pro quo, Hillary’s foundation made them hundreds of millions by selling influence. Regarding moral bankruptcy, Obama kept his background a secret and the Clintons moral bankruptcy is well known. Do you have any idea how many people died before testifying against the Clintons between Vince Foster in 1993 and Seth Rich in 2017. Concerning corruption, I don’t know of any corruption with Trump. He is focused on making America great again, not himself. Nobody is more corrupt than the Clintons.

The following are true statistics on the Trump tax plan and what Trump has done for America financially from Steve Bakke:

Democrats misled with claims that the wealthy receive all the benefits. The following

indisputable facts are in the record:

  • The middle 50% (middle class) will receive proportionately more tax relief than the top


  • The percentage of total taxes collected coming from the middle 50% will drop.
  • The percentage of total taxes collected coming from the top 25% will rise.

Humanists, leftists, progressives and globalists should all take a trip to Elbert County near Atlanta to view the Georgia Guidestones which have the ten commandments of the ”New World Order” chiseled onto large granite monoliths in eight different languages. The first commandment is “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.” That means that about 93% of our population needs to be eliminated. A pertinent question is how is that going to be accomplished? Will it be abortion, nuclear war, plague, vaccinations, etc? If the liberals really believe in their cause, they should be the first to promote their ideology and take a leadership role by volunteering to be exterminated. Maybe if you are a liberal you should consider reevaluating your political position!

We are digging in all the wrong places

In an Indiana Jones movie the “good guys” were rejoicing after they learned that the “bad guys” were digging in the wrong place while looking for treasure. Today in America we have the exact opposite situation. Now the “bad guys” are rejoicing because they have our organizations that are responsible to protect us from our internal and external enemies looking in all the wrong places for the real cause of our concerns like terrorism, crime, drug addictions, despair, suicides, racial issues and anarchy etc. All organizations need a philosophy or doctrine to promote their agenda and those beliefs are responsible for the resulting good or bad effects.

Monarchies used the Divine Right of Kings Doctrine. Marxists use the oppressors vs. the oppressed ideology. Most religions use their “so called” holy books. Secular Humanists use their Humanist Manifestos as their doctrine. When Nazi Germany committed genocide one doesn’t blame those that just facilitated the genocide. The evil Nazi philosophies included Darwin’s theory of evolution that dehumanized people and the theory of eugenics that believed some races were more fully evolved than other races, justified eliminating entire races.

Islamic terrorism, whether against other Muslims or against Christians or Jews, is always blamed on things like extremists hijacking the religion, a specific Islamic group, grievances against Muslims or even a tactic like terrorism! The Islamic doctrine or religion is never implicated. The FBI training manuals have all been sanitized so Islam is never implicated.

The additional concerns mentioned above are never associated with the evil Secular Humanist philosophy either; even though the huge increase in those concerns has coincided with a move away from biblical Christianity, belief in God and His moral law. No one tries to associate the decline with the adoption of Secular Humanist values as our state religion.            

Courts see victims as perpetrators and vice versa

The US Supreme Court has already held oral arguments in the Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission where Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakeshop is the defendant. This case went to the Supreme Court since he was found guilty in lower court cases of discriminating against Dave Mullins and Charlie Craig who wanted Jack to decorate a cake for their homosexual wedding.

These cases were brought against Jack Phillips because he was unwilling to use his talents to decorate a homosexual wedding cake since it would violate his conscience and free speech rights. He was perfectly willing to sell them any standard products that he sold. Jack also refused to decorate cakes for heterosexual bachelor and bachelorette parties since they also violated his conscience. Consequently, his decision was not uniquely anti-homosexual.

Phillips did nothing actively or intentionally against homosexuals. He only refused to do something that would represent de facto approval of homosexual marriage. Consequently, he certainly could not be identified as a perpetrator. Alternatively, the fact of him being a victim of the LBGT lobby cannot be denied! They have done everything they could to destroy him financially and more. Obviously the LBGT lobby perpetrated this punishment as an example of what will happen to others that do not affirm their worldview for the purpose of censoring any disapproval of their legitimacy.

This fight for religious liberty and free speech against the tyranny of a “sacred cow” group or lobby is critically important to other similar service providers like florists, artists, and videographers. In addition, it is critically important to rein in other “sacred cow” special interest groups like Muslims and minority groups to prevent them from the tyranny of using legal means to muzzle our free speech rights through censorship. Censorship and coercion are the twin evils that need to be recognized and condemned!

Religions: Painted with complementary colors

On a color wheel complementary colors are on exactly the opposite side of the wheel. Both Christianity and Islam are painted with complementary colors. Consequently, they are viewed as opposites of what they really are. Secular Humanism is another religion that is painted with its complementary color. To classify Secular Humanism as a religion may seem like an oxymoron. However, both the dictionary and the US Supreme Court identify Secular Humanism as a religion.

Both Humanism and Islam are diametrically opposed to Christianity. Humanism does it by denying that the God of Creation, the Jews and Christians exist. Islam does it by worshiping a different god. The Islamic Quran clearly states that their god, Allah, has the same attribute as Satan, the anti-God that is in rebellion against and diametrically opposed to the biblical God. The Quran states in Sura 3:54 & 8:30 that Allah is the great deceiver. In Sura 35:8 it calls Allah the one that leads astray whom he wills.

While Christianity is demonized, it is supported by historical, current and future truth and is the only hope for mankind. Alternatively, even though Secular Humanism and Islam are false and detrimental religions, they are not demonized. Secular Humanism is promoted and its self-serving personal pragmatism is responsible for much of the evil in our society. Islam is responsible for crimes against innocent victims just for not believing in their dogma, yet it is painful to see how it is not connected with all the terror its theology and ideology support.

People claim that Islam is a religion of peace and that it is being hijacked by extremists who don’t contextualize their holy books properly. In reality, the religion is not hijacked at all since the terrorists are fundamentalists that believe the extreme ideological teaching of the Quran.