Illegitimate Support for BLM

Support for BLM is illegitimate

Today, it is sad to see organizations and people including churches, politicians, entertainers and sports figures standing in solidarity with BLM. If BLM’s primary objective was to stand up for black lives including all black lives, I would certainly support their mission, but not their methods or hidden agenda. BLM is one of the very few organizations that actually doesn’t care about black lives! This is apparent on their website and through their actions. They just wait for a black thug to get killed while resisting arrest as a pretext to justify the anarchy and destruction they desire.

They never express concern when hundreds of times more black people are being killed by other black people in large cities run by Democrats than killed by police when they are resisting arrest. Also, they never express concern when black unborn babies are disproportionally aborted by Planned Parenthood and other abortion mills.

Their website exposes who they really are and what their hidden agenda is about! They are Marxists who want to overthrow the greatest country on earth and implement a socialist, Marxist, globalist government. They want to destroy what took years to build. God and his people are creators and caretakers of things. Satan and his people want destroy physical things, non-physical things like biblical values and justify that evil with diabolical lies and deceptions.

The diabolical deception that gets people to support such a demonic organization is based upon the use of their euphemistic name of “Black Lives Matter” when that is the furthest thing from their true mission. They deceive the people into supporting them based upon their fake name and thus get people to actually support their diabolical agenda!

They claim that systemic racism of whites against blacks and others legitimatizes America’s destruction and justifies their anger. The fact that America is the one country where all immigrants want to be, destroys the systemic racism argument. The alleged systemic racism by cops is also destroyed by Heather MacDonald in her research and books. Race baiters today certainly have not heeded Dr. Martin Luther King’s admonition for a color-blind society. Whatever white on black racism exists today, BLM has demonstrated that they are many times more racist based on their belief that white people are the evil people that should be put in bondage of various kinds.

BLM is the correct acronym for the organization since if stands for Burn, Loot and Murder. They want us to believe that BLM is an acronym for a fake and misleading mission; that of concern for black lives!