Identity Craze

Today people are having an identity crisis and have the need to identify as something other than the way they were born and what they really are. The primary crisis is gender identity. People suddenly think that they can’t identify with the gender of which they are born and consequently need to identify as a different gender.

My friend, Del Heiser, identifies as a farmer even though he was a CEO for most of his career. That is because he was raised on a farm and realizes his dominant identity or the way he feels in his heart is as a farmer. He is proud to identify as a farmer and likes to be called Farmer Del. Identifying as a farmer while being a CEO is not self-contradictory or conflict with established facts. Although, it is strictly a wishful feeling, it is recognized as a feeling as opposed to a fact. Also, In Del’s case, it doesn’t matter if he wants to identify himself with a farmer or as a farmer there still is no conflict with real facts. Alternatively, if a “city slicker” like myself wants to identify myself as a farmer, that conflicts with facts and reality. I would be living in an alternative reality. However, if I only wanted to identify with a farmer there is no conflict with facts or reality. We need to keep this analogy in mind while discussing the current gender identity craze.

Today biological gender is denied and gender is forcibly made into a social construct. People are proposing that gender should not be put on birth certificates. Our education establishments have reinforced this fairytale where a technically real biological fact is denied in favor of a false social construct assertion. Confused parents are pressuring their young children to take sex altering hormone blockers and promoting sex reassignment surgery. Although the stories are being censored in the media, there are so many horror stories where people have such severe regrets and can’t change themselves back to being what God designed them to be. No matter how much the forces of evil try to bend reality, every cell in our body defines our gender type. Only God can create gender.

The observation and above statement assert that the current identity crisis is primarily about gender. We need to examine why is it only about gender. Why don’t we want to identify as an athlete or an astronaut or as the president or a rich man? Why is it all about gender and sex? Is there any simple explanation that would identify (no pun intended) the cause of that monomania? I believe there is such an explanation. It not only explains the sexual identity craze but also explains the leftist’s positions taken by progressives on all cultural, political and religious issues. The simple answer is:

Rebellion against God!

God is the one that created male and female, sex, marriage and the traditional family. The bible states that sex and intimacy was only authorized within traditional marriage. God even related the intimate relationship between God and His church as that of a groom and His bride. If we are rebelling against God, we, by definition, will be diametrically opposed to God’s will, His plan and His commandments.

Many other positions that our progressive culture, political establishment and religious establishment promote are also diametrically opposed to biblical principles. Some of them are included in list below:




Homosexual Marriage


Macro Biological Evolution



One World Government

Two-Tiered justice

Critical Race Theory

Social Justice

Medical Tyranny

Political Tyranny

Gun Control

Calling Evil good and Good Evil

Population Control

Climate Control Through Crisis

Worshiping the Creation Rather than the Creator

Using Government Power Against Conservatives

Promoting False Religions

Denying that Secular Humanism is our State Religion

Promoting Human Trafficking and Perihelia

The list of unbiblical positions taken by the progressive left on cultural, political and religious issues goes on and on. Rebellion against God, His plan, His will and His Commandments explains it all. The probability of all of these positions being diametrically opposed to biblical principles by random chance is virtually impossible!

Besides biblical principles exposing the rebellion, the bible also explains why those in rebellion don’t believe the truth. Romans 1:18 states:

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who [a]suppress the truth in unrighteousness,

This verse explains that the ungodly and unrighteous must suppress the truth because to accept the truth would be self-condemning. That is another way of saying that they have a conflict of interest. We shouldn’t be listening to those that have a conflict of interest. We need to be exposing their conflict of interest!