Historical Biblical Concepts

The bible is more that than a book describing historical events. It also embeds many historical biblical concepts within the historical narratives. It covers these historical events in sequential order in a way that tells a story of a perfect environment and social order that was corrupted at a great cost to humanity and required God to take drastic action on several occasions that would ultimately lead to regaining the creation’s original perfection. It is not explicit as to why history had to take the path it took as part of God’s plan, but I believe it was necessary to prevent future corruption or in terms of current vernacular, sustainability.

The list of Historical Biblical Concepts are important to keep in mind to understand out past, present and our future.

Biblical Historical Concepts

                Perfect Creation

                Man made in image of God

                Dominion mandate over the earth

                Multiply to populate the earth

                Woman made from man and for man


                The angelic rebellion / fall

                Human rebellion / fall

                Earth, man, woman & serpent cursed

                Man is also made in image of fallen man

                Cain murdered Abel

                Man is now deceitful & wicked

                Thoughts of evil continuously

                Human genome corrupted by fallen angles

                Earth filled with violence

                Flood necessary to restart humanity with uncorrupted genome

                Man attempting to form global government

                God confounded language to form nation states

                God chose Abraham, Isaac & Jacob to represent Him to the world

                The world has been trying to destroy them and Jesus, their progeny, ever since

                God sent Jesus to provide a way of salvation to the fallen human race

                Jesus initiated the church age at Pentecost to offer us to be his bride

     The end of the church age will be violent with the human genome being corrupted just like it was before the great flood

     He is coming for his bride: the rapture of the church

     He will use the 7-year tribulation period (Danial’s 70th week) to compel the Jews to recognize their Messiah and give the wicked one more chance to reject evil         and accept Jesus

     Christ will return with His church to destroy His enemies

     He will then set up His Kingdom on earth with Satan bound. There will be perfect justice

     Much of the original perfection of Eden will be restored