Family Books

These family books have been published between my son Chris and myself.

The relationship between a real image (reality) and the image on a photographic negative in a camera is a perfect analogy that describes the difference between the real world of facts and truth and the false cultural, political and religious images being promoted in America and around the world today. An actual image is the embodiment of truth and reality whereas the image produced on a photographic film in a camera is the opposite in every respect. The right side of the actual image is transposed to the left side on the film negative and the top of the actual image is transposed to the bottom on the film negative and vice versa. That is not all that has been inverted. The brightest sources of light on the actual image are transposed to be the darkest part on the negative of the image and vice versa.

It is possible and actually likely that you may not relate this concept to anything in the cultural, political and religious realm. However, some of the categorical areas where this concept would apply are as follows:

Chapter 1  What is the source of evil?

Saul Alinsky, through his book, “Rules for Radicals,” through his philosophy, and with his life, set the stage perfectly to support the thrust of this book. Saul Alinsky believed that Lucifer’s rebellion against God was a good thing. He stated the following in the introduction to his book, “Rules for Radicals”:

Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins—or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom—Lucifer.[1]

Surprisingly, the bible agrees with Alinsky except for a few caveats. The main caveat being that Lucifer’s rebellion was not a good thing for Lucifer, Alinsky or the rest of us in the world even though Alinsky sees it that way! Also the bible clarifies that it is history, not legend. However, the bible does agree that Lucifer’s actions as a result of his rebellion did win him his own kingdom at least for a period of time. The fact that Alinsky is aligned with the satanic rebellion is also verified by a 1972 interview with “Playboy.” In it he said, “If there is an afterlife, and I have anything to say about it, I will unreservedly choose to go to hell.” When the interviewer asked why, Alinsky said, “Hell would be heaven for me. Once I get into hell, I’ll start organizing the have-nots over there. They’re my kind of people.”[2] We will discuss the biblical support for the existence of Satan and the ongoing battle between God and Satan further throughout this book.

From Slimy Goo, Came Me and You

In the beginning was nothing; not a house or even a mouse. Everything changed with one big bang; evolution produced its first Organgatan. Everything exists because nothing exploded; the idea seems rather loaded. It’s hard to fathom “Ameba to Man”– It’s always been Darwin’s game plan. From solid rock to a four-legged croc; now that’s an intellectual stumbling block. Time and chance produced its first body part; it was simply the result of a huge cosmic fart. Imagine growing up in primordial soup; it must have felt somewhat like floating in poop. At times my great grandpa was known to be spunky; But come on man! Was he really a monkey? The “Origin of Species” was Darwin’s new book; his theory spread “by hook or by crook.” Richard Dawkin’s, “The God Delusion” – it’s a major cause of so much confusion. Atheists cringe at the sound of “Design” – perhaps they are running from the God who’s divine. They say natural selection can lead to perfection; I’d say it’s based on wild speculation. Entropy states “Decay is the Way” – Uncle Sam says “public indoctrination” is here to stay. The fossil record is full of large gaps; the theory of evolution is on the verge of collapse. Science is exposing many hoaxes of evolution; could this be the start of a truth revolution. Courage is needed to put Darwin on trial; Oh Lord may it lead to a Christian revival. Never forget that God is good; it’s what the evolutionists have never understood.