False Political Foundational Beliefs

It has been stated about computer programs that: “Garbage In – Garbage Out!” The same holds true for political beliefs. However, the explanatory statement would be more like: “Embracing false foundational beliefs results in embracing false and destructive political beliefs.”

Some of these false foundational beliefs are listed below. If you hold to some or more of these beliefs, you should start be reexamining the possibility that those beliefs may be wrong!

  • God does not exist
  • The bible is not true
  • We exist through Godless random evolution
  • That people are basically good and perfectible
  • That our sins or past wrongdoings cannot be forgiven
  • That only white people are capable of racism
  • That America is a systemically racist country
  • There are other countries that have been or are better for black people
  • That the Marxist idea of dividing society into oppressors and the oppressed is just and fair
  • That the Social Justice concept of equal outcome is just and fair
  • That police are our problem, not criminals resisting arrest
  • That abortion is not murder

Belief in these false foundations results in believing in and voting for a political party that does not have the best interests of all Americans in mind.  Instead they appeal to selfish desires of the voters to give them financial benefits and emotional reinforcement to their destructive selfish desires as a way to gain power or stay in power. That party is the Democratic party. Its position on all political issues is in diametric opposition to biblical principles and breaks virtually all of the Ten Commandments and biblical principles including private property ownership, freedom and capitalism. Their M.O. is also diametrically opposite to what Jesus taught regarding treating others as we would like to be treated. Their M.O. is to censor their opponents voice and coerce them into submission with draconian laws. When you vote democratic, that is what you are voting for.