Evidence & Support

On this page videos and other documentation show evidence & support for the fact that powerful forces are trying to deconstruct America and remake it based upon a diametrically opposite worldview to that of its founding. These anti-God forces appear to have co-opted all the institutions in America. They are referred to as the elite, the deep state, the swamp etc. These forces have become very powerful because we have allowed our children to be indoctrinated with anti-God and anti-American propaganda in our public schools for decades. The following table contrasts the diametric opposition between these worldviews:  


God’s Ordained Principle or Concept


Man’s Diametrically opposite belief

God Exists

Denies God’s Existence

God’s Authority

Man Rejects God’s Authority

God’s Wisdom

Man Rejects God’s Wisdom and Asserts Man’s Wisdom

God’s Supernatural Creation and Miracles

Man Denies the Possibility of Miracles, Holds to Naturalism

Man is Made in God’s Image

Man is simply an Intelligent Animal

God Distinctly Created Male and Female

You Can Choose Your Gender

Men and Women are Called to Procreate

Children are Optional and Approve of Gay Sexual Partners

Stewardship and Dominion Over Creation

Man Worships the Earth not the Creator of it

Other than the 7th Day we are Taught to Work

We have a Large Entitlement Class that Refuse to Work

Different Roles Established for Men and Women

Feminist Movement: Roles Should be the Same

God Ordained Heterosexual Marriage

Man Legitimatizes Gay Marriage and Polygamy

Man is Deceitful and Wicked

Man is basically Good and Perfectible

God has Placed Conscience in Man that Knows Good from Evil

Man is the Measure of all Things and Creates His Own Morality 

Our Purpose is to Have a Relationship with God

Our Purpose is Pragmatic Seeking Self-pleasure

Sin Explains all Evil and Misery in the World

Evil doesn’t Exist and Misery is from nature or random Happenings

God Provided a Redemption to Cure the Effects of Sin with His Son

Man Rejects God and Belittles His Redemption Plan 

God Commands that we should Worship no other Gods or Idols

Man Worships Other Gods Including God’s Creation and other Idols

Devious plan to get Trump out of office

Two Program Series by Dr. Andy Woods on the Great Global Reset

This first video of the two video series uses the following outline:

  1. World government on the horizon
  2. God’s perspective on world government
  3. Covid-19 & world transformation
  4. Global reset
  5. Aiding & abetting
  6. Conclusion

The Middle East Deal of the Century was discussed with the thought that the Covid-19 pandemic and rioting may be a consequence of dividing Israels land.

This second video covered the following topics relating to the Great Global Reset:

  1. Velocity of the change
  2. New American article by Alex Newman
  3. Reparations
  4. Re-imagining education
  5. Mental Illness reclassification
  6. Micro chipping
  7. Cashless Society
  8. Christ’s ultimate reset

Alex Newman presented this information at a Villagers for Trump dinner meeting. The information provided was fantastic and informative. In the video just above this one Dr. Andy Woods covers a long article just written by Alex Newman in the “New American.”

Jan Markell has Michelle Bachmann in the studio to talk about Rage and Revolution. Dr. Andy Woods discussed this video on his #131 video above.

Seven Part Series by JD Farag on Current Events, Globalism & Prophecy