
Eschatological is a term that describes events at the end of the church age. At that time, Jesus will come for His believers, both dead and alive, and meet them in the air. He will not actually come and stand on the earth. At that time the believers will receive glorified bodies similar to the one that Jesus has. This event is called the rapture of the church. Not all Christians believe in the rapture. And, the ones that do, have differing beliefs regarding its timing relative to the seven-year tribulation period and Christ’s second coming. The tribulation period relates to Daniel’s seventieth week that is predicted in Daniel Chapter 9. A plain sense interpretation of scripture supports a Premillennial and a Pretribulational viewpoint. This means that Christ’s second coming will be just prior to His 1000-year millennial reign on earth and that the church will be raptured just before the seven-year tribulation.

The most predominant view, which is held by the Roman Catholic Church and most of the Protestant churches, is an amillennial viewpoint. This belief is based upon an allegorical interpretation of scripture that dates back to Philo, Origen and Augustine and was never changed during the reformation. The reformers neglected to apply the plain sense, literal meaning to all of scripture.

The amillennial view does not have a tribulation or a millennial reign of Christ on earth as the bible clearly states. Our strongly held belief is that the rapture will happen before the tribulation and before the second coming which is immediately after the tribulation. We believe in a dispensational theology where history is broken down into distinct periods of time.

Amir Tsarfati’s Middle East update on July 13, 2020. It is probably the best explanation ever concerning what is going on in the Middle East. It is a perspective that is never covered in the news.

It also relates what is currently happening in the Middle East to bible prophecy.

It also covers how the outcome our presidential election will effect the actions in Middle East countries.

It also exposes how a single alleged racial incident by a police officer is being used as a pretext for infinitely more actual racism against white people in America and in South Africa.   

This wonderful short clip really helps understand the rapture, the fact that it will occur, when it will occur in relation to the tribulation and how it fits in to other end times events.

A very short clip about the rapture with insightful perspectives based upon reading several scripture texts.

Dr. David Reagan presents 50 Reasons why we are in the end times. Many prophecy teachers teach on the signs of the times, but here, Dr. Reagan gives us a compelling analysis of the signs by placing them in six categories and then explaining how the convergence of all of these signs is the most profound evidence of Christ’s soon return.

Series on Signs of the Times by Dr. Andy Woods

Pastor Jack Hibbs on what is coming next in our world

This is probably the best video. It exposes what is going on in our world and connects the dots back into history.