Deep State Dogma

On this page we will post media that exposes the Deep State Dogma promoted by operatives with their propaganda. This will include many things received on emails. Some of these things are not necessarily verified. If there is evidence of lack of authenticity, let us know and we will take it down.

Twitter censors more conservatives promoting the truth about the effectiveness of Hydroxychloroquine for treating Covid-19. Many doctors exposing the lies about Hydroxychloroquine are being fired. 1984 has arrived in 2020!

Here again, liberal groups are censoring opposing Christian views and coercively punishing them. That is two different forms of evil!

Describing the current assault on law enforcement as a spiritual battle between good and evil, former national security adviser Michael Flynn is urging Christians not only to pray but to take action.

“When the destiny of the United States is at stake, and it is, the very future of the entire world is threatened, . .

“As Christians, shouldn’t we act? We recognize that divine Providence is the ultimate judge of our destiny. Achieving our destiny as a freedom-loving nation, Providence compels us to do our part in our communities.”

Flynn said Christians can “no longer pretend that these dark forces are going to go away by mere prayer alone. Prayers matter, but action is required.”

Big-time Deception

The mainstream media are not covering this, but in Portland, Oregon, Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) are now burning flags and Bibles in bonfires in the streets.(3) They are no longer hiding their true colors.

It has been shown that Antifa and BLM are both Marxist-run organizations that are engaged in a war to take down this country.(1)(2) The World Elites are happily funding all of this as the United States, led by President Trump, is not buying into their world agenda.

But that’s only looking at the surface problem. The root cause of all this is Satanic. Satan has deceived these dumbed-downed people to do everything they can to collapse the United States government—forcing it to go along with his coming one-world agenda.

I think it’s possible that a new monetary system has been in the planning stages for a while and is so close to being fully operational that they don’t really care about the old one. Since it’s being replaced, they figured it wouldn’t hurt anything to go out with a bang—maybe even buy some time. Maybe.

We know the next monetary system will probably be digital, doing away with paper money (which is private), and instead going all digital (which is traceable/taxable).

And at this late date, a new system could easily be the forerunner of the Tribulation’s “total control system,” (Rev:13:16-17) whereby they mark everyone and connect them back to a single computer.

WND and Hanne Nabintu Herland ask the question: Will Marxism finally cancel America? They also do a fantastic answer to answer the question. A must read to understand the end result of where our cancel culture is taking us!

A 23-page-report circulated by a congressional candidate has the virtual universe of the internet erupting like a volcano. If the allegations are true, it means the entire George Floyd murder was a Deep State deep-fake.

Report claims George Floyd video was a deep-fake

Any report published on the internet is immediately suspicious. That does not mean it isn’t true. Any time you chase the Cheshire Cat down the Deep State rabbit hole you’re likely to find things in dark corners that make sense and have good supporting documentation. This is one of them.

Old video showing how the Communists in the past used blacks to help a Communist takeover and that is exactly how they are using blacks today.

Character development was a primary focus in education until the 1960s. But now, with the ascent of left-wing ideas in schools, children are taught to blame America or “society” for their problems. The great tragedy of this, of course, is that if you think society is to blame, why would you take any action to help yourself?

Dennis reflects on the state of our nation after hearing a crowd of American rioters chant “Death to America”. How did we get here?