Black Lives Matter

The acronym for Black Lives Matter is BLM. The problem is that euphemistic label completely misrepresents their mission and beliefs. By admission and by their actions the extinction of black lives means nothing to them. They are only concerned when a black person gets injured or killed by the police. When 700 times as many black people get killed by other black people, that is of no concern to them. When millions of unborn black babies are aborted and killed that is of no concern to them!

What they have demonstrated  is that their BLM acronym really stands for is Burn Loot Murder. That is the their true Modus Operandi and is the label they should be known by. It is such an injustice for them to get sympathy and support from people that actually care about black lives; thinking that BLM actually represents blacks and is sympathetic towards them while using those deceived supporters as “useful idiots.” What a terrible ruse!

Black Lives Matter is exploiting several racial myths to be able to get sympathizers to support them. Let’s list the myths:

  1. The first myth was already explained above; that are really concerned about black lives.
  2. The second is that blacks are held down because of systemic racism. Although that racism is virtually unseen overtly, it is hidden in white privilege.
  3. The third is that black on white racism, by definition, cannot exist.
  4. The fourth myth is that the burning, looting and murders by Black Lives Matter is justified because America is an evil, unjust country that acquired its wealth by exploiting slaves.

Marxist indoctrination of several generations has resulted in the 4th myth. It has been promoted in both our schools and in media. Howard Zinn’s history books titled “The People’s History of the United States” and “A Young People’s History of the United States” have been the most effective tool in rewriting history to make America look like an evil country. If that myth were true, America wouldn’t be the one country in the world where all the world’s immigrants want to flock to! Both the media and our schools (including the NEA) have been infiltrated by Marxists.

The contrasts between the second and third myths is very revealing. While the alleged systemic white racism is virtually invisible, the racism against whites, conservatives, Christians with biblical values etc. is very vocal and overt. Let’s label this group being discriminated against and being the recipient of radical racism as “Traditional America.” This is the group and philosophy that founded and built America into the greatest and wealthiest country on earth morally, militarily and economically. Politically, they were and are represented by the Republican Party. Today, it would be the conservative part of the Republican Party as opposed to the RINO’s and “Never Trumper’s.”

It was the Democrats that promoted slavery and did everything it could to resist the abolitionist and civil rights movements. Those same democrats are promoting anarchy and Black Lives Matter and are demonizing biblical values today. It is clearly a spiritual battle between good and evil. Just one simple analogy shows this drastic contrast! “Traditional America” believes and practices creativeness and individual responsibility and salvation while Black Lives Matter and their partners believe in destruction, group coercion and group salvation.

It is also a battle of biblical, nationalism and freedom values vs. the unbiblical big government, totalitarian control leading to globalism and Satanic values. The first push toward globalism was by Nimrod at the Tower of Babel. It is the religion of the Antichrist addressed in the books of Daniel and Revelation.

The promotion of socialism, communication, fascism, and communitarianism all lead to the diametric opposite result than the American experiment gave us. It is tragic that we as a nation want to reject the philosophy (capitalism, belief in God and equal opportunity) that made us the envy of every country. They want to replace it with socialism, atheism and equal outcome. To believe that we will have a good and positive outcome, one has to be so naïve as to deny all of history.

The sad thing is that churches are supporting this evil philosophy with BLM banners, signs and sermons. Even more tragic is that evangelical churches are promoting BLM and their philosophy when all their beliefs are antibiblical!  Churches are promoting and looking for the Antichrist rather than Jesus Christ!  Although sad, the bible predicts it will happen. Evil will rule for a season!

Heather MacDonald Destroys the Black Lives Matter Claim that Police are Targeting Blacks. The facts Refute that Claim.  

The article explains that an NAACP leader is confused as to why woke white people are supporting the riots. 

Antifa and other extremists are succeeding in their effort to shut down the free exchange of ideas through intimidation and violent retaliation, contends constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley.

The George Washington University Law School professor was testifying on Tuesday to the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution in a hearing titled “The Right of the People to Peaceably Assemble: Protecting Speech by Stopping Anarchist Violence.”

In chilling testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee on the Constitution, undercover journalist Andy Ngo confirmed the nightmares of many and cast new light on the mechanisms of domestic terrorism group Antifa.

Many on the Left, including its mainstream media allies, have downplayed the group’s organized activity, likely driven by talking points that originated within Antifa itself, during its role in recent race riots.

In fact, Ngo, a Portland resident, began his testimony by directly refuting a shocking claim made by Rep. Jerrold Nadler that the violence in the Oregon city was merely a fiction being circulated by Capitol Hill politicos.

“Antifa is not a myth,” Ngo said.

He also addressed alleged “systemic racism.” “Black racism is a much bigger problem today than white racism,” he said. “David Duke calls a rally, and 15 supporters show up and 1,000 counter demonstrators. Louis Farrakhan, who is a raging lunatic, white-hating, Jew-hating, Iranian-terrorism-embracing demagogue, got 800,000 people to march on Washington.”

He says that Black Lives Matter’s ideology is essentially the same as the Black Panthers. Notes Horowitz, “The Black Panthers was a criminal organization, and so is Black Lives Matter, except they have the backing of the Democratic Party.” He supports the use of the U.S. military to counter the rioters. “Antifa is an army. These people have no respect for America or its laws and have the full support of the Democratic Party,” he said.

You may not have ever heard of him (I haven’t) but the rapper known as Lord Jamar is exposing the Black Lives Matter movement for what it is.

All it is, as it seems, is just another plot by the elites to destroy America as it is, and substitute their own corrupt government in its place.

Lord Jamar says that he doesn’t support the Black Lives Matter movement because it doesn’t belong to them. They’re not the ones who are in control of the movement. They’re just the puppets with their strings being pulled by the elites.

Jamar even tells us who the puppetmaster is and I’m sure you’ve probably got a pretty good idea already. It’s none other than George Soros himself, the man who is behind nearly every mass of people doing something that they shouldn’t be doing.

That goes for Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and even back when all of the immigrants were “seeking asylum” at the border last year.

Article by Dr. David Reagan on Systemic Racism. Does it exist today? Did it exist in the past? He answers those questions. A must read.

A far-left alleged Black Lives Matter leader advocated for killing law enforcement officials during a Black Lives Matter event in Washington, D.C., on Saturday night, saying that he was ready to put them in the ground and that he wanted to go after elected officials in the federal government.

“I’m at a point where I’m ready to put these police in the f***ing grave,” the man said, according to video that was posted online from the event. “I’m at the point where, I want to burn the White House down. I want to take it to the senators. I want to take it to the Congress.”

Police officers have become the targets of violent activists who are seeking to upend America as we know it. Heather Mac Donald, senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and author of The War on Cops, is in the studio this week to break down the myths behind “systemic racism” and “police brutality.”