Exposing Evil in Culture, Politics and Religion

Challenging Conventional Wisdom

This video challenges the conventional wisdom that people are basically good and that evil is rare and far away. It establishes a true foundation through which we can view our culture, politics and religions. Unless we get this right, our view of our world will be corrupted.

The first casualty of war is TRUTH – Hiram W Johnson

In a similar way, truth is subverted in cultural, political and religious wars. These wars are not waged over shades of gray issues. They are being waged over diametrically opposite worldview beliefs. That makes one side true and the other side false! The bible reveals who is suppressing the truth and why it is being suppressed in Romans 1:18.

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, . .

One concern is that we suppress the truth willingly, because when we accept the truth, the truth condemns us. That is basically an internal self-censorship. However, the other concern is that we have organizations like the media, academia and government that are in the position to promote a specific ideology, are censoring the opposing positions. If and when they work together, they have the ability to literally define truth as what they want it to be. We see this on college campuses, in the major main line news organizations and more recently on social media.

College campuses do not allow conservative political or biblical cultural worldviews to be promoted on campus. The mainline news media promotes left-wing political positions and demonizes conservative political and biblical cultural positions. They all use the same buzz words and slogans that resemble an indoctrination scheme.

It is common to see videos and information that appear to be truthful and enlightening. Then, over and over again, the video or truthful information gets censored by social media which appears to work in concert to promote one worldview and censor the diametric opposite view. They not only censor opposing views, but punish people that believe or espouse those views. This website was created to promote the opposing worldview that is being censored.

It is hoped that the victims of this echo chamber indoctrination will consider reviewing some of the content of this website to at least hear both sides of the story; but additionally, to make sure that you are not what Lenin called a “useful idiot” and promote evil unwittingly. Even worse, if you are on the wrong side of this spiritual battle you may be choosing the wrong eternal destiny.

Consequently, the group of people we would like to attract to this website include: Atheists, Agnostics, Socialists, Communists, Fascists, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Globalists, Muslims, New Ager’s, Anarchists, Evolutionists, Homosexuals, Transgenders, Feminists, Racists, Secular Humanists, Hedonists, Luciferians, and more. Beyond that we would like sympathizers of Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, Abortion, Climate Change, Critical Race Theory, Identity Politics, Ecumenism, Interfaith Dialogue, Liberation Theology and Liberal Christianity to review this website.

We would love to hear your feedback using the form on the Contact page.

Identity Craze is a new area of cultural deception